Perimeter vehicle access for emergency vehicles

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Inspection, Test and Routine Servicing

An open space required by NCC/BCA C2.3 that must -

Be wholly within the allotment, except that any road, river, or public place adjoining the allotment, but not the farthest 6m of it may be included; and

  1. include vehicular access in accordance with (b); and

  2. not be used for the storage or processing of materials; and

  3. not be built upon, except for guard houses and service structures (such as electricity substations and pump houses) which may encroach upon the width of the space if they do not unduly impede fire-fighting at any part of the perimeter of the allotment or unduly add to the risk of spread of fire to any building on an adjoining allotment.


Inspection, Test and Routine Servicing

(b) Vehicular access required by this Part—

Must be capable of providing continuous access for emergency vehicles to enable travel in a forward direction from a public road around the entire building; and

Must have a minimum unobstructed width of 6m with no part of its furthest boundary more than 18m from the building and in no part of the 6m width be built upon or used for any purpose other than vehicular or pedestrian movement; and

Must provide reasonable pedestrian access from the vehicular access to the building; and

Must have a load bearing capacity and unobstructed height to permit the operation and passage of fire brigade vehicles; and

Must be wholly within the allotment except that a public road complying with above may serve as the vehicular access or part thereof.

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Inspection Intervals

Minimum Standards of Performance

  • BCA C2.4.

All routine inspected and tested shall be in accordance with the EP&A Regulations

Equipment Type 3 Monthly 6 Monthly Yearly
Perimeter Vehicle Access for Emergency Vehicles