Fire dampers

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Inspection, Test and Routine Servicing

Requirements for routine service of fire and smoke control features of mechanical services in buildings covered by AS/NZS 1668.1, AS 1668.2, AS 1682.1, AS 1682.2 and AS 2665.

The goal of this survey is to ensure that the system can perform as originally intended and that performance capability is not compromised by occupancy, building alterations or mechanical services alterations.

Where an alteration has resulted in a change of the performance requirements, the system should be appraised against the modified performance requirements. 

The fire and smoke control features of all mechanical services shall be subjected to inspection and routine service in accordance with AS1851 Clauses 13.4.1 to 13.4.3, and records shall be kept as required.

Records shall demonstrate evidence that the procedures in this Standard have been followed.


Where you can go to see what is fully required to comply?

Maintenance Standard

  • AS1851.Section 12

Minimum Standards of Performance

  • BCA 20__ Clause C3.15

  • AS/NZS1668.1-1998

  • AS1682.1-1990

  • AS1682.2-1990

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Inspection Intervals

All routine inspected and tested shall be in accordance with AS1851, and in conjunction with the equipment manufacturer’s guidelines.

NB: As tabled below given that there are different routines for different dampers types. Please keep in mind that the below is a guideline out of AS1851-2012.

Equipment Type Monthly 3 Monthly 6 Monthly Yearly
Fire dampers
Smoke dampers
Air control dampers
Kitchen exhaust
Outdoor air intakes
Automatic smoke and heat vents
Fire curtains and smoke curtains
Motorized windows and shutters
Electric heaters- duct mounted
Variable frequency inverters
Pneumatic compressor/receiver station
Motor control centres
Power supplies—main switchboards
Fire isolated exit pressurization systems
System changeover under fire condition
Smoke exhaust systems
System shutdown
Active fire and smoke control systems
Smoke reservoirs